In Divine Iron Awakening Netorareasu, assume the role of Wiz, pilot of the powerful robot Netorareas, alongside partner Hikari. Fight against a threatening army of mysterious machines. To unlock Netorareas' full potential, the professor suggests documenting Hikari's intimate encounters, sparking complex emotions within Wiz. Navigate this morally challenging decision to determine humanity's fate. Sacrifice for the greater good, or choose a different path? It's time to make a choice and embark on a unique journey!
Features of Divine Iron Awakening Netorareasu:
* Exciting Missions: Embark on thrilling missions as Wiz, the protagonist, and take part in intense battles to save the world from the mysterious machine army.
* Moral Dilemmas: Explore a unique storyline that presents players with thought-provoking choices. Decide whether to allow Hikari, the companion, to engage in intimate encounters with others in order to gather the emotional energy needed to strengthen the Netorareas robot.
* Emotional Power: Experience the emotional complexity of the pilot's role as the Netorareas robot becomes more powerful through harnessing the pilot's emotional energy. Delve into the intense mix of emotions and their impact on Wiz's abilities.
* Video Recording Element: Immerse yourself in an innovative aspect of the game that involves recording Hikari's cuckolding videos. Witness the resulting emotional turmoil and discover how it affects Wiz's performance in battle.
* Intense Battles: Engage in epic fights against the invading machine army, utilizing the enhanced abilities of the Netorareas robot. Push your combat skills to the limit and overcome challenging foes to save humanity.
* Captivating Storyline: Unravel the mysteries behind the machine army's invasion and dive deep into the captivating narrative that unfolds throughout the game. Experience a compelling mix of action, emotion, and moral choices.
Experience Divine Iron Awakening Netorareasu adventure as Wiz, a pilot fighting alongside the enigmatic Hikari to save humanity. Explore thrilling missions, moral dilemmas, and intense battles while delving into the protagonist's complex emotions. With the innovative video recording element, witness how emotional turmoil impacts abilities in battle. Download now and become the world's savior!