Apps Tools Toxic Vpn - Proxy and Safe Vpn

Toxic Vpn - Proxy and Safe Vpn

Toxic Vpn - Proxy and Safe Vpn APK
Package ID: com.mycompany.safevpnupdate
Latest Version: v1.5.0
Latest update: Aug 02, 2024 13:31:03
Developer: Hasnat Soft
Requirements: Android
Category: Tools
Size: 19.20 MB
Tags: VPN
Rating :4.4

Protect your network and browse anonymously with Toxic Vpn - Proxy and Safe Vpn. This revolutionary app replaces your phone's connection to the internet with a modern, optimized protocol, ensuring that no one can track your online activity. Not only does Toxic Vpn encrypt your traffic for maximum privacy, it also shields your phone from security threats like malware and phishing attempts. With the option to enable Toxic Vpn for Families, you can extend this protection to your loved ones as well. While the basic version is free, you can upgrade to WARP+ for unlimited data and enhanced features. Download now and enjoy a secure and uncensored internet experience.

Features of Toxic Vpn - Proxy and Safe Vpn:

Anonymous Connection: Protects your network under any network condition, including WiFi hotspots, allowing you to browse anonymously and securely without being tracked.

Improved Connection: Replaces the connection between your phone and the Internet with a modern, optimized protocol, ensuring a better way to connect and preventing anyone from snooping on you.

Privacy Protection: Encrypts more of the traffic leaving your phone, ensuring that your data remains private and secure. The app does not sell your data, as privacy is considered a right.

Enhanced Security: Protects your phone from various security threats such as malware, phishing, and crypto mining. You can enable the option for families to ensure a safe online experience.

WARP+ Subscription: The app offers a free subscription, but also provides a paid feature called WARP+ for unlimited data. Subscribe on a monthly basis to enjoy unlimited WARP+ data.

Worldwide Usability: The app aims to provide an uncensored internet experience and strives for worldwide usability. However, 100% availability in every country cannot be guaranteed. If you face any issues, the app provides a feedback option for you to contact support and resolve the problem.


Download the Toxic Vpn - Proxy and Safe Vpn app now to enjoy anonymous and secure browsing, improved connection, enhanced privacy protection, and increased security against online threats. Upgrade to the WARP+ subscription for unlimited data. With a focus on worldwide usability, this app ensures you have an uncensored internet experience. Click to download and start enjoying a safer and more secure online presence today.


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