Introducing mymaurices, the ultimate loyalty program app for all avid shoppers at maurices and maurices.com. With just a few taps, you can easily start earning fantastic rewards every time you shop. No more hassle of carrying around physical loyalty cards - simply download the app and sign up or view your existing account at your convenience. Check out your mymaurices ID# and current point balance to see how close you are to your next $5 reward certificate. Plus, stay updated with monthly e-statements featuring your points and new certificates. Got a question or want to chat? We're always here to help and chat!
Features of mymaurices:
* Earn Rewards: With mymaurices loyalty program, you can easily start earning rewards every time you shop at maurices or maurices.com. Every 100 points represents a $5 reward certificate!
* View Your Account: You can view your mymaurices ID# and current point balance right from the app. Keep track of your rewards and know how close you are to earning your next certificate.
* Sign-up: If you don't have a loyalty account yet, you can sign-up for a new one through the app. It's quick and convenient, ensuring you never miss out on the benefits.
* Access Anytime: Whether you want to sign-up or view your existing account, you can do it whenever it's convenient for you. The app gives you easy and instant access to all your loyalty information.
* Helpful Tips: The app provides helpful tips to make your experience with mymaurices smooth. It informs you that it may take up to 5 business days for your membership to sync up with the app. It also lets you know that purchases are not synced in real time, but your points will be updated within 5 days.
* Monthly E-Statements: In addition to the app, you will receive monthly e-statements from maurices that include your current points and new certificates. Stay informed about your rewards even when you're not using the app.
Get ready to start earning rewards with mymaurices! Download the app and sign-up or view your existing account with ease. Keep track of your points, receive monthly e-statements, and enjoy the convenience of accessing your loyalty information whenever you want. Don't miss out on this opportunity to earn rewards every time you shop at maurices or maurices.com. Click now to download the app and start unlocking the benefits!